Hen and Chicks

Plant Highlights


  • Nymphaea ‘Madame Ganna Walska’

    Highlight Month:


    Garden Origin

    Growth Habit:

    This is a tropical, day-blooming waterlily. Tropical waterlily species and selections only thrive in the tropics or ponds that are warm year round. Only reluctantly can they be coaxed into going dormant and in cool weather climates they typically are grown as annuals.

    Growing Requirements:

    All waterlilies are rooted in soil and in cultivation in ponds are grown in large planting containers filled with soil containing no organic material. Most are heavy feeders and require plenty of balanced fertilizer to grow lushly and bloom well. Tropical waterlilies may be over-wintered in heated tanks, if available.


    This pink-flowered selection was bred by hybridizer Jack Wood in and named for Madame Walska (pink was her favorite color). It also has striking maroon variegation on the leaves.

    Where at Lotusland:

    In the Water Garden.

  • Campanula poscharskyana

    Serbian bellflower

    Highlight Month:


    Croatia to Montenegro

    Growth Habit:

    This ground-hugging perennial grows by stems that creep along the soil, rooting as they travel. Eventually, it can cover a large surface area. It will also climb up rocks and taller plants that have a rough surface for it to hold on to.

    Growing Requirements:

    Serbian Bellflower thrives in shaded or semi-shaded woodlands and is hardy to about 40° F. It requires consistent water, especially in warmer months.


    The dainty, star-shaped blue flowers brighten shady gardens.

    Where at Lotusland:

    Fern Garden

  • Chusquea coronalis

    fountain bamboo

    Highlight Month:


    Mexico (Chiapas) to Central America

    Growth Habit:

    The stems of this bamboo grow in a tight clump. They shoot straight up for 15 feet or so and as the leaves open, the whole culm will arch down toward the ground. Where it touches the ground, an individual stem can form roots and thus a new plant. Leaves occur in whorls along the stems.

    Growing Requirements:

    This species will grow in sun or partial shade with moderate water. It is hardy only to about 28 degrees and does not do well with extreme heat.


    The fluffy appearance of the leaves and graceful arching culms make this plant highly ornamental

    Where at Lotusland:

    Japanese Garden

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Photo by Lisa Romerein.

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Photo by Lisa Romerein.